Happy Mother's Day! 💐Hello! Thinking of my Mom this Mother's Day & remembering all the selfless things she did for us. When I was at my interview with a College Scout, my Senior Year of High School, the recruiter asked me who my hero was. Right away, I said my Mom. I shared with him all the things I admired about her. I later learned that I was awarded a full ride Scholarship. I am very thankful for the memories I have of her. 💜 I am also thankful to be a Mom to our 2 beautiful girls and 1 baby in Heaven. 💞
My hope is to always help others and be generous, just as she was. 💜 I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful day. God Bless! ~Amy 💞
Happy 4 year Anniversary to Gifts 2 Help! 🎉Happy Monday!!
Today is the 4 year Anniversary of my Non Profit Organization. I created Gifts 2 Help as a way to honor my Mom by giving back to others. My Mom was constantly giving of her time, money & love. I was hoping to continue on her legacy through this Organization. It is mostly funded by me. Sometimes I question if I should continue to fund my Non Profit. This message sent to me in an email by my Dad this morning is very timely. I love how God speaks to us. 💜 and I love my Daddy. 💜 May you have a blessed week! 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 By Charles Stanley God’s blessings to us are not meant to end with us. His desire is that they filter down to others. This principle applies in all areas of our life, including our finances. Did you know that our heavenly Father has plans for our money? God’s children generally want to discover what His will is for their life, but so often they fail to consult Him about His desires for their paycheck. The Lord graciously supplies us with income so we can provide for our needs and even some of our desires. But He also wants us to use our money to achieve His purposes. And one of His goals is that we share our resources with others. If we decide in our heart to participate in His plans, He commits to provide all we need to live and to share. Just look at His extravagant promise in 2 Corinthians 9:8: “And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiencyin everything, you may have anabundance for every good deed” (emphasis added). This encouraging scripture is a good reminder that sharing blessings with others will never lead to deprivation. In fact, the Lord promises to increase the harvest of our righteousness and enrich us in everything in response to our generosity. We can never outgive God. A hoarded blessing is never enjoyed as richly as a shared one. Using your gift to meet someone else’s need glorifies the Lord by demonstrating His grace at work in your life. Don’t allow His generous provisions to end with you. Pass them on to others and discover the joy of a never-ending cycle of blessings Today would have been my Mom's birthday. She was the most generous person I have ever known. She had the biggest heart. She always included everyone. I don't think she realized how truly special she was. At her funeral, over 600 people came. She was not a celebrity, not a Soldier, not a Law Enforcement Officer. Not someone who would normally have lots of people show up to their funeral. She was a normal everyday person who had a huge heart. I could tell she made a difference in many people's lives from the amount of people who showed up to pay their respects. The funeral director commented to my Dad that my Mom's funeral was the biggest he had been at. She died unexpectedly. She was taken way too soon. We miss her so much. My sister shared this today. My Mom is the reason for #Gifts2Help It is because of her that I do what I do. Happy Birthday, Mama! I love you! 💜
Hello! CHP Appreciation Day is a day to say, Happy Anniversary & We Appreciate You! With the help of 150+ CHP wives, the CHP area offices will receive goodies to celebrate the Anniversary & honor the men & women of the California Highway Patrol. Gifts 2 Help ordered cookies for 32 offices that wil not have a CHP wife delivering goodies. Thank you for your protection & service of the people of California. Thank you, West Valley CHP for the graphic. Thank you, CHP wife, Marilyn, for the collage. Thank you to all the wives for working together to celebrate CHP Appreciation Day! 💙💛💙
Everyday we wake up and take a breath, we can choose what we make of it. Here is to wishing you a life filled with wonderful blessings.
May you enjoy everyday as a gift. 💜 ~Amy Praying for the families & friends of the Officers in Dallas 💙Praying that the families may be comforted with God's love. May He give them peace that passes all understanding. May He heal their hearts. May He give them strength for the days ahead. God, please help our Country. 💙
Happy Easter!Hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful Easter with family & friends. Have a great week! 💜
Happy 3 year Anniversary to Gifts 2 Help! 🎉Thank you very much for your support. 💜 We truly appreciate it. 💞
AuthorHello! My name is Amy. I'm the wife of a CHP Lieutenant and the Mom to 2 beautiful daughters. I love my life! My desire is to help serve others. Thanks for reading. :) Archives
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